What Should You Do With Your Old Hospitality Assets?

When planning a hotel clearance or restaurant clearance – whether for a renovation project or closure of the business – you may find yourself looking at the amount of furniture, appliances and other items in the property and wondering how exactly you’ll be getting rid of them all. For a lot of assets, it’ll be a waste to simply take them to landfill, which is often seen as the option that requires the least effort. 

There’s a lot of value in old hospitality assets, from monetary to social to environmental. Some assets could be relatively new – it’s just that you no longer have any need for them, whether it’s because the hotel room furniture no longer fits your desired style or because you’re closing the business. In this case, you’re presented with a very good opportunity for getting a financial return on your assets. 

If you have no desire for an extra financial return, or you feel like the amount you’ll get isn’t worth it, you can tap into some of that social value by donating your old hospitality assets to local charities. Similarly, recycling assets which are obsolete is far more sustainable than taking them to landfill. Instead of rotting away and contributing to carbon emissions, they can be remade into something new.

In this guide, we’ll be going through some of these things to do with your old hospitality assets in greater detail.

Repurpose Your Assets

We all know that mantra: reduce, reuse, recycle. The best way to lower the amount of waste you send to landfill starts with reducing the amount of waste you have in the first place. One of the most creative ways to reduce how many of your old hospitality assets need to be thrown away in the first place is by finding them a new purpose in your hotel. 

Old dressers and nightstands can be repurposed for use in common areas, staff break rooms, or even offices. A fresh coat of paint or a minor renovation can transform them into stylish storage units for guest supplies, cleaning products, or linens. Worn-out linens can be repurposed into cleaning rags, and old lobby furniture can be moved into smaller meeting rooms to provide a comfortable touch.

Repurposing not only reduces waste but can also save you money on purchasing new items. Repurposed assets can add a unique, vintage charm to a property, giving guests a sense of character and history that modern furniture might lack.

Sell Privately or at a Hotel Asset Clearance Auction

If repurposing isn’t an option, consider selling your old assets through hotel clearance auctions. These auctions offer a convenient and fast way to offload large quantities of assets, such as furniture, kitchen equipment, and fixtures, all in one go.

There’s a robust market for used hospitality equipment, especially among smaller hotels, restaurants, or startup businesses looking to furnish their spaces on a budget. The items may fetch a lower price compared to new ones, but the volume sold at once can make the transaction worthwhile.

At The Hotel Clearance Co., we work closely with leading auction houses to bring your assets to auction and get you a profit quickly and easily. These auction houses present your assets to the right buyers who are looking for exactly what you have to offer, plus auctions create a competitive environment where buyers bid against each other, potentially driving up the price. This can result in higher sale prices than might be achieved through private negotiations.

One of the biggest benefits with hospitality asset clearance auctions is that there is a set date for the sale. You know exactly when the sale will happen and when you can expect to receive the proceeds.

If you want to have more control over the sale process, or have a few one-off items you’re looking to sell, selling hospitality assets privately can be a viable option. We have a ‘little black book’ of regular, qualified buyers who consistently buy our clients’ unwanted assets through private treaty sales. 

Donate Old Hospitality Assets

If your assets are still in good condition but no longer serve your business, donating them is a fantastic way to give back to the community. Many non-profit organisations, shelters, and charitable groups accept gently used hospitality items, from furniture to linens and kitchenware. Supporting local charities through donations can also enhance your brand’s image and build goodwill in the community, which can be very helpful when you’re gearing up to renovate and reopen your hotel or restaurant.

In our comprehensive service, we will work with you to find the best new home for your old hospitality assets to help you reach your goals.

Recycling Old Hospitality Assets

When hospitality assets are beyond repair or use, recycling is the most environmentally friendly option. Many items, such as furniture, appliances, or electronics, can be taken to recycling centres where the materials can be salvaged and reused.

By recycling, you not only contribute to reducing the amount of waste in landfills, but you may also qualify for incentives that promote sustainable business practices. At The Hotel Clearance Co., we make this process easy: we’ll handle the collection and storage of your unwanted assets whilst we find the best place for them. 

Not all items will be recyclable at your local centre, as some need special treatments to ensure toxic paints or solvents are removed, such as treated wood which cannot be recycled through the same means as untreated wood. If you choose not to use a clearance contractor, it’s important to check that your local recycling centre can take your old hospitality assets and if not, what else you can do with them.

Discuss Your Hotel Clearance Requirements Today

Hotel and restaurant clearance is an essential precursor to many processes, including renovation and property sales. Assessing your property’s needs and planning strategically are crucial: using professional services like The Hotel Clearance Company will streamline your process, minimising downtime and costs.

If you’re looking to discuss your hotel clearance requirements in more detail, get in touch with The Hotel Clearance Company. Whether your business is due to go through a refurbishment, a change in property use, or you are liquidating assets, we are here to help.

Our expert team can be contacted by calling 020 8123 8241 or visit The Hotel Clearance Company and fill out our online contact form.